Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How graft hurts the most innocent in the society

Granted, we all have the potential to be corrupt, in fact the bible itself clearly says that we are all born sinners but when all is said and done,  to be or not to be corrupt is a conscious choice that all of us have to make every day when we're presented with that alluring and tempting offer. Many people like shortcuts in life and that's why parents would bribe in order to secure admission for their son or daughter who never made the cut as far as the requisite qualification standards go. Many people serving the government in one way or the other had to part with a few or even a huge chunk of money in order to secure jobs in the civil service. Virtually all ministries are served by people who preferred using shortcuts at the alter of meritocracy to be where they are.
This cancer hasn't spared our military either. This organ our nation ought to be a uniting facet of the country but cases of people paying bribes to the join the disciplined forces have been reported over and over whenever there are countrywide recruitment. Justice also has been peddled to the highest bidder with those endowed with much resources, able to circumvent the due process by expediting their cases or blatantly influencing the verdict.  The tender processes in both public and private companies are nothing but a sham since the knowledge of who finally wins the contract is well known in advance.
All this has been driven by sheer greed and selfishness and the nature of the capitalist system where people believe and falsely so that, in order to succeed in this life, you have to do it at someone else's expense. Like many diseases, corruption eats into the fabric of our society with devastating consequences and sadly, its the innocent people who normally bear the greatest brunt.

  • Corruption drives a real estate developer to use substandard materials in building both commercial and residential buildings and the end product is manifested through the myriad reported cases collapsed buildings that we've seen  in Kenya.
  • Corruption in the judiciary leads to unfair and questionable judgement which amounts to a miscarriage in dispensing justice to both the accuser and the accused.
  • Corruption in the civil service leads to the unequal dishing of jobs to certain communities leading to inefficiency in service delivery due to incompetent and laxity . 
  • Corruption in the education system has continually denied people who hitherto have continued to enjoy the free primary education a chance to extricate themselves from the tentacles of poverty.
  • Corruption in the health sector has led to the deaths and suffering of many poor patients as drugs meant for their treatment are stolen from the public hospitals and end up in clinics run by the same doctors operating in public hospitals.
  • Corruption hasn't spared our churches either as some engage in false teachings targeting the believers' conscience and emotion while extorting their hard-earned cash in the name of planting seeds.

The list goes on and on, but when all is said and done, we are the ones who started this vice and we're the ones to put a stop to it. There's no magic bullet in sorting out this mess or an effective panacea; It starts with  me and you. All of us have to purposefully make concerted efforts in small and big ways alike, in order to slain this dragon.
It starts at home when parents take their responsibility by instilling good and positive moral values to their children through practical examples that'd inspire the younger generation to value hard work and integrity in everything they do and to embrace the spirit of giving back to the society. As one African proverb says, we were given two hands for a reason; One to take and the other to give. Lets all learn to give however small because that's the beginning of ending the spirit of greed which fuels corruption.

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