Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just what does impunity mean to you or better yet, do you have such a word in your mother tongue? ...Read more here.

Impunity is when a public servant decides to abuse his/her position by nominating his/her relatives to a public office without following the due process and gets away with it.
Impunity is when a Member of Parliament embezzles public money for his own benefit and he’s not held to account.
Impunity is when a public servant is indicted for corruption and crime against humanity and still continues to hold a public office.
Impunity is when the president or the prime minister or any other government official dishes out public land or any other property illegally and gets away with it.
Impunity is when the incumbent steals elections and still controls the instruments of power without consequences.
Impunity in when police officers engage in extra judicial killings and nothing happens to them.
Impunity is when traffic police officers are caught red handed receiving bribes and nothing is done about it.
Impunity is when Kenyans throw rubbish and litter all over and nobody raises a finger about that.
Impunity is when men and women of clothe swindle and con unsuspecting Kenyans of their hard earned cash and nothing is done about that.
Impunity is when a gang of youth form cartels to extort money from the public in cahoots with the powers that be and nothing Is done about that.

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