Saturday, September 26, 2009

Impunity somewhere is impunity everywhere!

Why is it that it’s only in Africa where the head of state blatantly flaunt the set rule of laws governing the country and still expect the subjects to abide by the same set of laws. Why do we have different rules for the haves and a totally different set for the have-nots with the latter always paying the bigger price. Most parliaments in Africa have been reduced to mere rubber stamps and act at the whims of the executive with the hope of one day being rewarded for "loyalty" and sycophancy. The last time i checked, there is no single leader in history who ruled forever. Even uncle Bob who currently holds the title of being the longest serving head of state in Africa, will at some point bow out. There is no way democracy can thrive in an atmosphere of impunity and a system riddled with corruption. The state of India did not gain the fame of being the largest democracy on earth by merely holding elections. There is no single leader there who can rest on his/her laurels thinking that being the CEO of a country is an end in itself.
What we in Africa need in a total overhaul of our entire socio-political system and the empowerment of the poor who are mostly vulnerable and easily preyed upon by the rich politicians since they are perfectly aware that a poor man thinks with his stomach. If people get more informed, it goes without saying that, they'll be empowered to make wise decisions and most importantly, to raise their demands higher. They'll also actively engage in key debates touching on their livelihoods wile acting as public watchdogs against their "mis-leaders" who are bent on squeezing all the nations’ resources to themselves and their cronies.
The buck has to stop somewhere, and if the current crop of leaders cannot wake early enough and smell the proverbial coffee, somebody better wake them really fast!

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